From there to here.

I’m probably going to the hospital. Want to not go to the one nearest me because, well, anyone who knows my story could guess but…it’s the exact same emergency room that my loved one spent her last hours in. Is this about me? Yes and no. It’s like being swept into the sea and experiencingContinue reading “From there to here.”

Reasons for work

In both “Why We Work” by Barry Schwartz and Scott Santens basic income writing the same reference comes up… There was research done that led to Dan Ariely’s book, Predictably Irrational and how it shows how money can actually not be a motivating factor or even be socially awkward (or worse) when the market suddenlyContinue reading “Reasons for work”

Meaning in a world where work is covered.

UBI happened, the job went, now what? It is funny when people then say “but I’ll/others will be become lazy and not work” after having just said jobs will go but this isn’t about that specifically. Let me explain in a true story. It’s not actually one of a kind. I also don’t do itContinue reading “Meaning in a world where work is covered.”

Janitor on UBI 3… the questions of work and contribution

Who am I more likely to take better care of, my own kid or someone else’s? My own, of course. There’s not only a personal connection, but I am just that much more aware of likes, dislikes, needs, and so forth. Who am I presently paid for taking care of? If two people take careContinue reading “Janitor on UBI 3… the questions of work and contribution”

Ok, so, what can I do to make basic income happen?

This is, and it’s a great problem to have, becoming more and more a question I’m asked. As it’s September 22nd, the 5th annual Basic Income Day 2023, what better time than to go into this than now! Sometimes, like today, there are things you can physically do “in real life”. is a USContinue reading “Ok, so, what can I do to make basic income happen?”

The Story of the Good People with the Plain Bad, No Damn Good Incentives.

Why does something well-meant end up not working at all? Why is it, similarly, that something that couldn’t work turns around and completely surprises skeptics? When I first lived in Victoria back pre-2000 (no, not as far back as the photo), there were people who were unhoused, but nothing remotely like now. When I lookContinue reading “The Story of the Good People with the Plain Bad, No Damn Good Incentives.”

And now for what the “right” wouldn’t suppose. Why basic income is also a left wing idea.

At the same time that some claim basic income is socialism, I have found myself defending the idea to, well, socialists. At the risk of repeating a previous blog (It’s not Communism it’s a Commons) left wing hero Noam Chompsky said it…loudest I suppose, when he stated “that comes from the right wing, Milton Friedman.”Continue reading “And now for what the “right” wouldn’t suppose. Why basic income is also a left wing idea.”

The old UK arts scene, the dole and basic income.

It is fun when you can merge two favorite subjects. It can shade into dangerous territory when your Visa is already bloated and you see books on the subject for sale. I did break down, but only twice, and in my defense, they were for books that were not amongst the dozens i could haulContinue reading “The old UK arts scene, the dole and basic income.”

Hope made visible.

Always wanted to use the song Mercy Street by Peter Gabriel somewhere. When I put together the UBI Music Playlist I wanted to add it, but I relented because the song is about a very specific story. Actually, it was about the life of Anne Sexton, who wrote a book of poems for herself asContinue reading “Hope made visible.”

On Rights and Society as concepts.

The neoliberal movement from the early 1980s to the early 2000s is best summed up by the late UK Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher in the September 1987 issue of Womens Own… Who is society? There is no such thing! Liberalism is a word, as is “neoliberalism” that can be confusing so it requires defining. ClassicalContinue reading “On Rights and Society as concepts.”

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